Memorial Day weekend Schedule
No Noon Class Friday 5/24 (Regular afternoon classes still on)
No Saturday Open Gym
Saturday WOD & Sunday Open Gym Still on
CLOSED Memorial Day (unless otherwise posted)
Body Armor 3 Giant Sets: 20 Front Rack KB Box Step-Ups 15 Ring Rows 10 Strict Ring Dips Rest 2:00 between efforts.
Conditioning Teams of 2 For Time: 100 Double-Unders, 50/30 Assault Bike 200m Farmers Carry (50's/35's) 100 Double-Unders, 40/20 Assault Bike 150m Farmers Carry (70's/50's) 100 Double-Unders, 20/10 Assault Bike 100m Farmers Carry (75s/55s)
*Farmer carry is 2 dumbbells, athletes can switch at any point on the carry