Saturday we will be hosting Girls Gone Rx ... this is an ALL DAY event. Athlete check in will begin at 7:20am and the last event will end at 2pm with awards to follow. This means there will be NO Saturday classes Volunteers still needed
Also we will be cancelling Friday 3:30, 4:30, & 5:30pm so we can set up the gym for the event If you can attend the morning or noon classes that day go for it. If you will have to miss Friday due to us cancelling you can do Fridays squats on Thursday if you wish (we will post Thursday and Friday together)
Conditioning "Run DMC" 4 Rounds: 200 Meter Run, 8 Bar Muscle-Ups 200 Meter Run, 12 DB Power Snatches 50/35 (Rx+70/50)
Midline work On the Minute x 9 (3 Rounds): Minute 1 - Strict TTB Minute 2 - Plank Hold (RX+GHD Static Hold - Belly Up) Minute 3 - Banded Good mornings