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Tuesday 3/3

Clean & Jerk Complex

On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:

3-Position Power Clean

3 Push Jerks

Set 1: 50%

Set 2: 55%

Set 3: 60%

Set 4-5: 60-65%


Ascending Ladder for 7 Minutes:

3 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 3 Toes to Bar

6 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 6 Toes to Bar

9 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 9 Toes to Bar


Add (3) Reps to Each Movement Until Time Cap

Shout out to Lars. He has been with us for over 7 years! He comes 4 times a week when he's not busy with dad and work life. He is super strong and always has a great attitude. He kills it on the bike, and can easily strict press what most people can only Jerk. We enjoy having you Lars keep up the great work!


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Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


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