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Thursday 8/8

Conditioning EMOM 20-30: Your choice of 4 Rounds (20:00 or 5 Rounds 30:00) Double Tabata (40 Seconds On / 20 Seconds Off): Minute 1:Row or Bike Calories Minute 2: Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Minute 3: Air Squats Minute 4: Double Unders Minute 5: Plank Hold or Barbell Rollouts

We have 4 spots remaining in the next Boot Camp beginning THIS Saturday Its 6 weeks long, 2 classes per week, awesome workouts, nutrition help and MORE!! Its only $249 for the whole thing.. Call us to reserve a spot 360-797-5127


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Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


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