Equipment Workout
"Tabata Thursday"
8 Rounds of :20 seconds on :10 seconds off
You will do all 8 sets at each movement before moving to the next.
Your rest between movements is the :10
1. Renegade Rows
2. Deadlifts (use whatever implement you wish)
3. Russian Twist w/ weight
4. DB/ KB Swings
No Equipment Workout
"Tabata Thursday"
8 Rounds of :20 seconds on :10 seconds off
You will do all 8 sets at each movement before moving to the next.
Your rest between movements is the :10
1. Plank Up Downs / Plank Hold
2. Odd-Object Deadlifts
3. Russian Twist w/ odd object
4. Mt. Climbers
3 Sets 1:00 rest between
10/10 Overhead DB Press
10/10 Skull Crushers
10/10 Front raises