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"The Edge of Skill"
12min EMOM:
4 Strict Pull-Ups
8 Push-Ups
12 Air Squats
Strength 1:
E1.5MOM9 | 6 Sets
Hang Snatch (mid-thigh)
Sets 1+2: 3 reps @ 70%
Sets 3+4: 2 reps @ 75%
Sets 5+6: 1 reps @ 80%
Strength 2:
E1.5MOM4.5 | 3 Sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts
*Weight should be approximately @ 100% 1RM Snatch
1 min foot smash with lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min pec smash on rig with lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min foam roll lats (each side)