This Friday during all classes we will be doing a Fundraiser workout for the Make a Wish Foundation. The workout is in hone of Wyatt Draper. A young child who lost his battle with cancer earlier this year. Be there, and wear GREEN!
Monday Strength Back Squat 3-Rep Heavy
3 Reps @ 70%, 1 Rep @ 75% 3 Reps @ 75%, 1 Rep @ 80% 3 Reps @ 80%, 1 Rep @ 85%
Following our single at 85%, let's make a judgement call from here. At this point, we have touched a good range of weights, and we may be drawing close to our attempt. If we would like to climb a bit higher, we can absolutely do so for another single. Give ourselves 2-3:00 rest, and let's make our attempt.
Conditioning "escape from Wonderland" 3 Rounds: 75 Double-Unders 50 Air Squats 25/18 Calorie Row
