Equipment Workout
"Dumbbell Fran"
21-15-9 Dumbbell Thrusters* Dumbbell Rows* *If you have 2 DB's go ahead and use both, if you have a 1 DB do single arm but alternate each rep
Rest 3:00 Then do Strength Portion
3 Rounds:
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat Hold (Left)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Left)
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat Hold (Right)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Right)
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
No Equipment Workout 21-15-9 Squats Push Ups Rest 3:00 Then do Strength Portion
Strength 3 Rounds: :30 Static Bulgarian Split Squat Hold (Left) :30 Max Bulgarian Split Squats (Left) :30 Static Bulgarian Split Squat Hold (Right) :30 Max Bulgarian Split Squats (Right) Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
