Skill Work: Snatch Pull + Snatch
Complete 5 Sets of the following:
2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Snatches
*Rest 60-90 Sec between sets
*Work up to a comfortable, moderate weight.
*Focus will be on smooth pulls from the floor, chest up, and no arm bends with the pull.
*All reps to be completed as Singles (no touch-n-go reps).
* Squat Snatches
“Mr. Blue Sky”
15:00 AMRAP - Team of 2
6 Strict Pull Ups (3 reps per partner) Rx+ 2 Rope Climbs (1 rep per partner)
6 Synchro Push Ups Rx+ 10 Synchro Push Ups
*Goal is to keep a steady pace throughout entire workout.
* Both athletes complete all push ups together. Finish at the top of the push up at the same time – full arm extension.