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Friday 5/24

Memorial Day weekend Schedule

No Noon Class Friday 5/24 (Regular afternoon classes still on)

No Saturday Open Gym

Saturday WOD & Sunday Open Gym Still on

CLOSED Memorial Day (unless otherwise posted)

Strength Deadlift 5 @70% 3-@73% 3-@76% 3-@79% 1 @ each % 82-85-88-X-X The final two sets are left open. Based on feel, we can continue to climb, stay across at 88%, or complete two back-off singles. Record all sets below, and rest as needed between sets. No time set on each set so that we can practice time on our hands afterwards.

Conditioning For Time: "Joker" 1 Toes to Bar, 10 Deadlifts 2 Toes to Bar, 9 Deadlifts 3 Toes to Bar, 8 Deadlifts 4 Toes to Bar, 7 Deadlifts 5 Toes to Bar, 6 Deadlifts 6 Toes to Bar, 5 Deadlifts 7 Toes to Bar, 4 Deadlifts 8 Toes to Bar, 3 Deadlifts 9 Toes to Bar, 2 Deadlifts 10 Toes to Bar, 1 Deadlift Barbell 225/155#


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Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


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