Body Armor 4 Giant Sets: 6 Weighted Pull-Ups 12 Barbell Good Mornings 15-21 Med Ball Tucks or V-Ups Max Effort L-Sit Rest 2:00 between efforts.
Aim is to build to a moderate on each - weighted pull-up and good morning. These pull-ups are intended to be strict, either using a belt, or by holding a dumbbell between the thighs/feet. If we are not yet completing weighted pull-ups, complete these as strict, banding as necessary to find the repetitions.
On the good morning, let's stay in the area of 25-35% of our estimated 1RM Back Squat. Lighter load, but moved well.
Conditioning 1,000 Meter Run (Buy In) 3 Rounds: 8 Pushups + 10 Calorie Row or Bike + 12 Hanging Knee raises