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Wed 6/16/21

Want to know the WOD ASAP + log your work?

Download SUGARWOD!

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"Triple Trouble"

15min AMRAP:

300m Run

20 Abmat Situps / 30 V ups

10 Handstand Push-Ups

*Run counted at 3 reps: 50m = 1 rep

*36 reps per round


E1.5MOM7.5 | 5 Sets

5 Back squats

1 Front squat

*The front squat should be a struggle, but not a miss.

Accessory (On Your Own):

12-10-8-8 Bulgarian split squats (Build to a challenging weight for each set) (total reps)

4x8 B-stance Double Dumbbell Deadlift (Heavy)

4x6 Weighted Glute Ham Raise (Moderate)


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Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


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