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Tuesday 12/10

Gymnastics 3 sets for Quality :15 Second Hanging L-Sit 6 Strict Toes to Bar 3 Tempo Strict Pull-ups (3 Seconds Up, 3 Seconds Down)

Conditioning "Lead Foot" (repeat from May)

AMRAP 4: 27/21 Calorie Row 27 Burpees 27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 4 Minutes

AMRAP 4: 21/15 Calorie Row 21 Burpees 21 Toes to Bar

Rest 4 Minutes

AMRAP 4: 15/12 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 15 Pull-ups


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Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


Shown Below is our CrossFit class programming. To view our Fortitude Fitness Boot Camp & Untamed Sport programming, use the SugarWOD app!...


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